Comparison of Coagulation FVIII Content between Blast-Frozen Fresh Frozen Plasma and Non-Blast Frozen Fresh Frozen Plasma
The fresh frozen plasma quality can be affected by many variables and factors. We investigated the effect of different freezing techniques and ABO blood groups on Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP) quality concerning coagulation FVIII(FVIII) level. Sixty pints of whole blood each collected from the blood donation campaign were processed for FFP preparation. The sample from the FFP preparation is collected and counted for the baseline value of the FVIII level. The FFP from blood groups A, B and O were split equally to freeze using a blast freezer and conventional freezer (non-blast frozen). Then the FVIII level in FFP was analysed using a single-stage clotting assay (Post-FVIII level). The mean post-FVIII levels in blast, frozen FFP and non-blast frozen FFP were 0.86 ± 0.29 IU/ml and 0.66 ± 0.19 IU/ml. The mean percentage recovery of FVIII levels in blast-frozen FFP and non-blast-frozen FFP was 85.35% ± 9.65% and 68.43% ± 13.31%, respectively. The FFP prepared using the blast freezer had a higher per cent recovery of FVIII level than that of Fresh Frozen Plasma prepared using a conventional freezer (P < 0.000). The mean baseline FVIII level in blood group A and B (1.08 IU/ml) was higher than that of FVIII level in the blood group O Fresh Frozen Plasma (0.79 IU/ml). The FVIIIrecovery in Fresh Frozen Plasma improves significantly with rapid freezing using a blast freezer.